KCU Redeemable and Cashable Term Deposits
Get guaranteed returns and easy access to your funds.
Get guaranteed returns and easy access to your funds.
Enjoy a guaranteed rate of return with the flexibility to access your funds at any time. Ideal for members who may require access to their funds in the short term.
Invest your money for a short period of time while earning a competitive interest rate.
The rates are effective as of February 1st, 2025 and are subject to change without notice.
Some restrictions may apply.
View all term deposit rates
A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a registered plan that allows your investments to grow tax-free. Contributions to your TFSA are not tax deductible like RRSP contributions. We offer a variety of TFSA options to meet your financial goals.
Start with a free account that includes all the current digital banking tools.
Download our app to manage your day-to-day banking from your smartphone.
Free deposits and withdrawals at over 4,000 Ding-Free ATMs across Canada
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